PHP / SAP scripts for GasNatural Italia
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Garanet 2005/2025
PHP / SAP scripts gasnatural garanet site PHP / SAP scripts gasnatural garanet site
The result of a year and a half of working remotely with the band and the production was the FOL (Five On Line) Litfiba 2009, …
Management software entirely created from scratch, in PHP, MySQL, and jquery.
Crm CTT HELPDESK, Installaziome, assistenza e personalizzazione della struttura OpenSource CRM-CTT.
Il giorno della pubblicazione ha raggiunto 20000 visualizzazioni (google analitycs).
At the end of 2007 as Coordinator of the Fans Club Sicilia, I started working as WebMaster and Promoter of online multimedia services, for Filippo …
2008 – A VOIP switchboard was created in collaboration with a partner, on the CentOS Linux platform.
La mia meravigliosa esperienza coi Litfiba é iniziana il 15 Agosto 2000 a Sciacca (AG) in uno dei primi concerti del nuovo cantante, Gianluigi Cavallo (Cabo).